Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon
Country: California
Year: 2005
Price: $4
Winery review: This is a family of wines only available at Marc's stores, a chain of discount stores in Ohio. As of this writing, they are $3.29 a bottle and have been at this price for a full year. I hesitated before subjecting myself to such a "cheap" wine but it is surprisingly good! Now I drink it regularly by myself, and occasionally serve it to guests. Most turn up their nose at the idea of three buck wine, but those who try it are pleasantly surprised! This won't be your favorite wine, but it is eminently drinkable. It is smooth, not sweet, and has a very mild grapey palette.
Available for $35 a case if you are driving into Ohio just to get some --which might be worthwhile from neighboring states!
This wine has made me a dedicated "Marc's-ist"!
My review: For a wine from Food Lion, I enjoyed this wine. It was a burst of red fruity tastes that had me indulging from the start. The smell was fruity and masked the alcohol well. It was thick and rich and paired well with my Italian meal. I was able to try this wine with food and would recommend it.
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